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高血膽固醇是您血液中膽固醇過多的一種狀況。本身,病情通常沒有跡像或症狀。因此,許多人不知道他們的膽固醇水平太高。血液中膽固醇含量較高的人獲得冠心病,也稱冠狀動脈疾病。 (在這篇文章中,術語“心髒病”是指冠心病。)血液中低密度脂蛋白膽固醇水平越高,大多數患者心髒病就越大。您的血液中HDL膽固醇水平越高,LOWER您的機會就是心髒病。冠狀動脈心髒病是冠狀動脈(心臟)動脈內斑塊(plak)積聚的病症。
它們對生命很重要,而且是身體中脂肪的主要形式 - 有時稱為“脂質”。當你想到脂肪發育和存儲在你的臀部或腹部,你正在考慮甘油三酯。它們是食物中消化和分解脂肪的最終產物。有些是從其他能源(如碳水化合物)製成的。當你在兩餐之間需要更多的精力時,你的身體的激素釋放出來,這樣你就可以利用那些不需要的熱量。
內臟脂肪 - 結腸癌增加高風險
根據癌症預防研究中發表的動物研究,內臟脂肪可能與結腸癌的風險增加直接相關。研究所研究員Derek M Huffman博士說:“對肥胖本身是否是真正的癌症危險因素而不是促進它的習慣,包括飲食不良和久坐不動的生活方式,已經有一些懷疑. Institute for Aging Research at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York的老化研究,  “雖然這些其他生活方式的選擇起了一定的作用,這項研究明確表明內臟肥胖與腸癌有因果關係. ”以前的研究表明,肥胖增加了許多癌症被診斷和死亡的可能性. 霍夫曼及其同事調查了在遺傳易發生結腸癌的小鼠中去除內臟脂肪是否可以預防或減輕這些腫瘤的發展.
鏈接:http://www.bariatricnews.net/?q = node / 853


Oat Fiber is rich in dietary fiber and possesses beta glucan that has been proven to have cholesterol-lowering effect. It also assists in weight management and stimulatesthe growth of probiotics warriors.
Corn Soluble Fiber ( Fibersol -2 ) A patented and unique soluble dietary fiber that helps maintain healthy bowel movement by increasing beneficial bacteria, promoting mineral absorption, excreting harmful chemicals out of the body. It also absorbs excess cholesterol and sugar as well attenuates the serum triglyceride and visceral fats level.
 Fucoxanthin 100% extract from Wakame Seaweed which is rich in dietary fiber, minerals, amino acid and vitamins. A breakthrough and healthy method used for weight loss by decreasing the accumulation of fat targeting the abdominal area.
Superfruits Digestive Enzyme is a proprietary blend of proteolytic, lipolytic & carbohydrolytic enzymes designed for human diet to aid the digestion system.


Solae Soy Protein Isolate is highly refined or purified from of soy protein. It provides all of the essential amino acids our body need. Soy has no cholesterol and also naturally low in fat & saturated fat. In addition to protein, soy contains fiber, iron, calcium, zinc and B vitamins.


Maqui Berry the new king of the superfruits from Chile that contain more antioxidants than any other fruits and vegetables known to man. It is believed that it possesses ORAC value of 4 - 30 times higher than any other high antioxidant fruits. Maqui berry contains such a high level of anthocyanins, polyphenols and resveratrol which give the berries their deep purple colour. It benefits the whole body by : -
Protecting cell from free radicals       *Preventing oxidative stress       *Boosting the cell metabolic rate       *Promoting healthy cell growth       *Improving cellular and skin health



Lemon strong antibacterial, antiviral, immune-boosting powers and their use as a weight loss aid because lemon juice is a digestiveaid and liver cleanser. Also contain many substances notably citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin and limonene that promote immunity and fight infection.

Apple Fiber contain pectin, which can soften your stools and also can overcome constipation. Apple fiber also improve your digestion and bowel regularity, help bind and eliminate toxins.
Acacia Gum ( Fibregum Tan ) a breakthrough antioxidant - prebiotics fiber made from 100% Acacia Gum with over 90% soluble fiber content clinically proven with bifidogenic effect. It is rich in catechin to protect againts oxidant stress as well as reduces gastric acidity during digestion.


Probiotics help flush out toxins and bad bacteria from the body. they keep a healthy balance of microflora (ratio of good bacteria to bad bacteria), great for digestion and absorption of nutrients in the body and important to boosting the immune system.
Prebiotics play a vital role in developing a healthy immune system. The role of prebiotics is immensely important as they nourish the intestinal good bacteria while creating an environment in the colon that is hostile to bad bacteria.
Arhat fruit is known as “Luo Han Guo”, is popularly considered a longevity aid and is used to balance heat built up caused by internal conditions, life-forces, or external heat. It also is used for constipation and chronic enteritis. Arhat fruit is a low-caloric, low-glycemic food used as a sweetener in beverages and cooked food.


Uses for Vitamin C Supplements. Found naturally in many fruits and vegetables, vitamin C is necessary for collagen formation, wound healing, and the repair and maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth. In alternative medicine, vitamin C supplements offer antioxidant benefits and are purported to help the following health conditions:
*colds   *asthma   *bronchitis   *cardiovascular disease   *cataracts   *glaucoma   *high blood pressure   *Parkinson's disease
With EASY123 detox drink recipes can assist in ridding your body of toxins, hasten food digestion, rebuilt body cells, improve asorption, boosting energy and bringing it back into healthy balance.